Affiliated Researchers: Social Capital

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 9 search result(s) for Social Capital.

Emily Rosenman

Assistant Professor, Geography
Top research keywords: Economic Geography, Finance, USA, Financialization, Investors

Kristina Brant

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: Medications For Opioid Use Disorder, Criminal Legal, Opioid Use Disorder, Adaptation, Social Networks

Jacob Holland-Lulewicz

Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Top research keywords: Bayesian Modeling, Southeast, Archaeology, Radiocarbon Analysis, Archeology

Samantha Powers

Assistant Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, Division of Social Sciences (Abington)
Top research keywords: Local Parks, USA, Campus Recreation, Local Recreation, Recreation Services

Xun Cao

Professor, Political Science
Top research keywords: China, Democracy, Trade Competition, Chinese, Policy Change

Karl Zimmerer

Professor, Geography
Top research keywords: Agrobiodiversity, Bolivia, Andes, Environmental Impact Assessment, Peru

Stephan J. Goetz

Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: USA, U.S. Counties, Rural Areas, County Level, Economic Growth

Andrew Mowen

Professor, Recreation, Park and Tourism Management
Top research keywords: Recreation Services, Local Parks, Park Service, Urban Parks, Leisure-time Physical Activity

Carter Hunt

Associate Professor, Anthropology
Top research keywords: Tourism, Ecotourism, Nature-based Tourism, Tourism Development, Costa Rica