Affiliated Researchers: Health Concern

Affiliates are Penn Staters who have a connection to or an interest in the work of the Institute of Energy and the Environment.

Displaying 5 search result(s) for Health Concern.

John Vanden Heuvel

Professor of Veterinary Science, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Top research keywords: Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor, Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor, Perfluorohexanoic Acid (PFHxA), Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Gene Expression

Heather Preisendanz

Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Top research keywords: Pennsylvania, Agricultural Fields, Wastewater, Estrogen, Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

Leland Glenna

Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Top research keywords: USA, Scientists, Genetically Modified Crops, University Research, Agricultural Biotechnology

Lee Ahern

Associate Professor, Advertising and Public Relations
Top research keywords: Environmental Advertising, Communication Campaign, Advertising, National Geographic Magazine, Narrative

Elizabeth Long

Assistant Research Professor, Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC)
Top research keywords: Politicians, Alcohol Use Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, Research Use, Alcohol Use